La bioéconomie est sans doute le modèle économique de demain !

Elle regroupe les activités économiques liées à l’innovation, à la production, au développement et à l’utilisation de produits et de procédés issus du monde du vivant et renouvelables. Et tropicale, parce qu’elle est basée sur la production et l’exploitation éco-responsable de toutes les ressources et richesses, terrestres et marines, qui foisonnent sous nos latitudes.

Elle vise des marchés dans les domaines des rendements agricoles, des process industriels (agroalimentaire, environnement, énergie…), de la santé humaine et animale.


  • Canne à sucre
  • Fruits et légumes
  • Plantes aromatiques, à parfum et médicinales
  • Horticulture et autres productions végétales
  • Pêche et aquaculture
  • Elevage
  • Microalgues
  • Industrie agroalimentaire
  • Santé et Bien-être
  • Environnement


  • Alimentation et aliments fonctionnels
  • Bioénergie
  • Biofertilisants
  • Eco-produits
  • e-santé
  • Extraits naturels tropicaux
  • Matériaux et produits bio-sourcés
  • Semences et plants


10 raisons de nous rejoindre

19/10/2019 / Les actus du réseau / International

Caribbean Science and Innovation Meeting

The main aim of the Caribbean Science and Innovation Meeting is to increase collaborations between scientific teams, develop a common partnership in educational programmes and boost commercial exchanges involving French speaking territories and other Caribbean countries.


The Caribbean Science and Innovation Meeting wants to broaden perspectives for Caribbean research and industry, starting from the positive experience gained during the periodic meetings organized by Caribbean scientific associations (Caribbean Academy of Sciences, CARISCIENCE, Caribbean Science Foundation).


The international meeting of Sargassum, which will be held October 23 to 26, will bring together specialists and stakeholders involved in the study and management of a problem that affects the health and economy of most Caribbean countries, "the transit of Sargassum in the Caribbean and their massive stranding on the shores of the islands". The "Science and Innovation of the Caribbean" meeting is the side event dedicated to the identification of scientific and technological priorities common to Caribbean countries and representing the key for their development and innovation.


The sharing of the results already achieved and the strengthening of exchanges between researchers and entrepreneurs in the Caribbean can favor the implementation of future collaborations and the identification of new cutting-edge activities in industry and research. Scientific conferences and workshops involving researchers, entrepreneurs and stakeholders from the different countries of the Caribbean are being planned to explore these possibilities. A special workshop will be devoted to continue the establishment of a new research and education consortium bringing together Caribbean, Central and South American universities, research organizations and industries. By addressing –current and relevant topics for the Caribbean future, this "university research school" aims to be at the forefront of science. We expect a signing ceremony of an agreement between the universities of the Greater Caribbean involved in this consortium during this congress.


As the “Caribbean Science and Innovation Meeting” will be held from 20 to 22 October and the International Sargassum meeting will start on the evening of October 23rd, a “Guadeloupe tour” will be organized on that day of October 23rd to visit renewable power plants, Sargassum valorization plant and other sites of interest related to the conference themes. This event will bring together the participants of both meetings.. However, on the morning of the 23, an ice breaker meeting will take place so that researchers attending both the Caribbean Science and Innovation Conference and the international conference on Sargassum, would have an opportunity to better know each other. The aim is to strengthen collaboration among experts on Sargassum and thus pave the way for a network of experts on Sargassum


 For more information :  Caribean science and innovation meeting.pdf

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